How to Find the Best BPM for Your Workout

BPMsThere are two steps to finding songs that match your workout:

#1. Find the beats-per-minute (BPM) of your workout.
#2. Find songs with the same BPM.

To make the first step simple, I put together Run Hundred BPMs
–-an album consisting of simple beats–with no music or vocals–representing each tempo between 60 and 200 BPM.

The tracks appear in order from slowest to fastest and are labeled by speed. To that end, you can just press play, start exercising, and skip through the tracks until you hear a beat that matches your movement.

Once you know your BPM, you can browse Run Hundred for songs with the same tempo–as these will complement your routine perfectly.

Between the BPMs album and the Run Hundred database, you should be able to stitch together a playlist of songs that match your pace exactly in a matter of minutes.

Beyond all of this, I’m curious to know which BPMs are the most popular with folks using the site–as it’ll help me determine which songs to add going forward.

To that end, if you let me know which track on the BPMs album best matches your routine, I’ll send you a free download of Momentum & Invention–a 14 song workout compilation–in thanks for your help.

If you’ve ever found yourself moving in perfect time with a song, you already know how great it feels. With the BPMs set, I’ve tried to make it simple to find more songs that match your routine in the same way. Moreover, if it doesn’t make your life easier and your workouts more engaging, I’ll send a full refund. (My contact info accompanies every order, and you’re welcome to drop a line anytime.)

So, for one workout album that’ll help you find the tempo of your routine–and another for sharing the results–you can download the BPMs set here.
